
Showing posts from February, 2024

2/16/2024 - February 2024 FAQs

Hey everyone! Its finally here! 2024 February FAQ! A lot of us were expecting it two weeks ago, but late is better than never.  1) If a model begins its move within an enemy model's Control Zone and chooses to move away (as one of the options listed), can the model moving away still Charge a different enemy model? A. Yes This one came up at the Nova open, and apparently other places as well. The argument to my knowledge was that the moving away bullet did not explicitly state you could charge something else, preventing you from doing so. I know that this was not a favored ruling there, and got some larger community members to reach out directly about this specific situation to get this FAQ. Good to have it here, because I definitely feel it would make heroic combats and flying models be absolutely terrible if control zones prevented them from going elsewhere and charging. 2) If a model has two weapons (such as a Dragon Cult Acolyte or a Corsair Reaver) and wishes to swap them for a...

2/1/2024 - 2024 Hobby Bingo

  BINGOOOOOOOO Hey Everyone! To get started with my 2024, I am going to attempt to finish a full Hobby Bingo card! Every year, the MESBG team sends out a bingo card to encourage people to get to hobbying and to experience the different parts of the game. The rules are simple, in that you want to fill out the whole thing, and that there are no double dipping. Let's see how much I have right off the bat from my January. I could have gotten the easy big ones, like finishing an army of basing everyone, but I wanted to focus on checking off as many boxes as I can to start. First up was the Wild Man Oathmaker. I had painted one a ways back with my first army, but I have had two sitting around needing paint for nearly a year and a half. I painted him up all over again for my revamped Dunland to match with the rest of the horde. For this box, I have a few applicable models. For starters, I added hair to the balding sword Wild Men of Dunland (and gave him an axe) for my LVO list. I also shi...