

Hey Everyone, I'm Back! Work has been a bit hectic, so Isengard posts have been on hold, but will return soon. Today, however, we got some absolutely amazing news! Over the last few months we have gotten some profile reveals for the upcoming supplement, and today it has been officially announced. Introducing, The Rise of Angmar: While I was going to do a write-up on the revealed profiles and my predictions, we got some insanely awesome news at the same time, so I will circle back to that at a later date. The news you ask? A NEW EDITION OF MIDDLE EARTH STRATEGY BATTLE GAME "It’s a very exciting time for fans of The Lord of the Rings™ and The Hobbit™, who can look forward to refreshed and updated rules for the game and their armies. There’ll be a shiny new rules manual t

6/19/2024 - Open Isengard Overview and Basics.

  Hey Everyone! I took a few weeks off of posting, mostly due to increased work-load, but I am back! This week I want to go over the basics of "Open Isengard" as I put it. Because of Isengard's diverse roster, there is a lot of potential variety when it comes to building lists. You can go for an Uruk-Hai line led by Saruman, or spammier Orcs let by cheap generics, but the power comes from having the tools for a lot of situations, while not necessarily delving too far into one part of the army list or another. Mixing and matching troop types to get the most effective lines for different situations. Typically, this results in a Fortitude hero list, with Saruman and Lurtz excluded mostly due to cost and model count impact. To start, we need to look back at the Fortitude heroes available to Isengard: Ugluk, Sharku, Vrasku, Mauhur, Snaga, Thrydan, Gorulf, Frida, Oathmaker, Uruk-Hai Captains and Scout Captains, Dunlending Chieftains and Orc Captains. Open Isengard usually means

5/22/2024 - The Army of Dunland

  Take back the lands they stole! Burn every village! Hey Everyone! The time has finally come to cover my favorite Isengard legion, the Army of Dunland! The Army of Dunland represents the men historically driven out of the lands gifted to the Eotheod in the late third age, warring with Helm Hammerhand, and driven to frenzy by Saruman to be unleashed against the men of Rohan during the War of the Ring. The Army of Dunland can field the following profiles: Thrydan Wolfsbane, Gorulf Ironskin, Frida Tallspear, The Wild Man Oathmaker, Dunlending Chieftains, Dunlending Warriors, Wild Men of Dunland, Dunlending Horsemen, Dunlending Huscarls and Crebain. Outside Crebain, this list is entirely men, though men that hit as hard as Uruk-Hai (or harder due to two-handing). The force must be led by Thrydan Wolfsbane, who is upgraded to a Hero of Valour. Death to the Forgoil! : Gives all friendly  Dunlending  models the Hatred ( Rohan ) special rule. Normally, only the Oathmaker and Wild Men have Hat

5/14/2024 - Wolves of Isengard

  Hey Everyone! You can't see it, but I'm wearing nose plugs, because these wargs are smelly. Today we are covering the Wolves of Isengard Legendary Legion. The Wolves of Isengard represent the Warg Riders under the command of Sharku that attack the Rohan convoy as they make their way to Helm's Deep. The Legendary Legion can field the following profiles: Sharku on Warg, Orc Captains on Warg, Orc Shamans on Warg, Warg Riders and Wild Wargs. As you would expect, all of these models are either mounted on a Warg, or a Warg themself, which means this is an all Cavalry  list. Sharku gets upgraded to a Hero of Valour and must always be the leader of the army. Friendly models in the list gain the Isengard  keyword (though notably, you do not have the normal Isengard army bonus here), and Orc Shamans change their Fury ( Mordor Orc ) to Fury ( Isengard Orc ), which lets Sharku be covered by the rule. Note that it still will not effect Wargs, as they are not Isengard Orc s. Similar to

5/7/2024 - Assault Upon Helms Deep

  Hey everyone! Today we continue our amassing of Uruks as we go over the Assault upon Helms Deep Legendary Legion! Assault upon Helms Deep represents the forces of Isengard sent by Saruman to destroy the world of men. As this legion is based on the films, it lacks the additional forces of Dunland and Orcs present in the books. The Legendary Legion can field the following profiles: Uruk-Hai Captains, Uruk-Hai Shamans, Uruk-Hai Warriors, Isengard Trolls, Uruk-Hai Berserkers, Uruk-Hai Demolition Teams and Isengard Assault Ballistae. You'll notice very quickly that this list has no named models, taking only (mostly) Uruk-Hai. Don't ask me why they have Trolls, there were none in the Movies or Books as part of Isengard. Note that the Legion was errataed to correct that the Isengard Troll Drum costs 30 points, like normal, and is not in fact free, although that would certainly have made them more usable. This legion must have an Uruk-Hai Captain as it's leader. "You do not

5/1/2024 - Ugluk's Scouts

  Hey Everyone! It's time to put meat back on the menu with Chef Ugluk and his Scouts! Ugluk's Scouts represents the Uruk-Hai forces that survived the Ambush at Amon Hen, now led by Ugluk, and the force of Mordor Orcs dispatched to bring the Hobbits back to Mordor, at stark contrast to Ugluk's orders from Saruman to return to Isengard. The Legendary Legion can field the following profiles: Ugluk, Mauhur, Uruk-Hai Scout Captains, Uruk-Hai Drummers, Grishnakh, Orc Captain, Snaga, Orc Captain, Orc Captains, Uruk-Hai scouts and Mauhur. Similarly to Lurtz's Scouts, Ugluk must be the leader. Before we get into the army rules and bonuses, lets cover Grishnakh's profile, as he was not covered previously due to being normally not a part of Isengard. What about their legs? Grishnakh is essentially an Orc Captain, at Fight 4, Strength 4, Defense 5, 2 Wounds, 2 Attacks and Courage 3, but has 3 Might rather than 2. He may also purchase a shield for 5 points. Grishnakh comes with

4/26/2024 - Lurtz's Scouts

  Hey Everyone! Now that we have covered all the profiles in Isengard, the time has come to start delving into the armies Isengard can field, starting with the Legendary Legion, Lurtz's Scouts. Lurtz's Scouts represents the Uruk-Hai force sent to ambush The Fellowship along the river Anduin, led by Lurtz and his lieutenants, Ugluk and Mauhur. The Legendary Legion can field the following profiles: Lurtz, Ugluk, Mauhur, Uruk-Hai Scout Captains, Uruk-Hai Drummers and Uruk-Hai Scouts. As you'd expect, Lurtz must always be included in a Lurtz's Scouts army, and must always be the leader. For taking this smaller troop roster, you gain 3 benefits: Relentless March : Relentless march upgrades all Scouts to Marauders for free, normally costing 1 point and restricted to Mauhur's warband, upgrading your Scouts to 8" Move Value, as long as you take Mauhur in your army, increases the Move Value of Lurtz, Ugluk, Scout Captains and Drummers to 8" rather than their normal